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Redhill Teaching Hub

Redhill Teaching Hub is the lead partner for Inspiring Leaders delivering our Secondary provision in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Redhill Teaching Hub is a designated National Teaching School Hub which reflect their experience and expertise of delivering first class initial teacher training and teacher professional development.

About Redhill Academy Trust and Teaching Hub

The origin of Redhill Academy Trust lies with The Redhill Academy, an outstanding secondary school in Arnold, Nottingham. The Trust has now grown to encompass 16 academies across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, providing excellent education for over 11,000 children in nursery, infant, junior, secondary and post-16 settings.

They are also a regional leader in teacher training and high-quality professional development which we deliver through the DfE designated Redhill Teaching Hub.

Their mission

Their mission is to ensure that all children, whatever their background and starting points, have the opportunity to achieve their full potential, both in terms of academic achievement and character development.

They are determined to support the local communities we serve by providing excellent, high-achieving academies that will help transform lives and life chances.

The Redhill Trust

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